Joint Projects:
fortiss GmbH
fortiss is the Bavarian reseach institute for software intensive systems. It has been conducting first-class research activities, with a highly-recognized level of expertise, into the development of software-intensive systems, an issue that plays a central role for Bavaria’s high-tech industry. These systems are increasingly based on closely-related technologies in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Several aspects have special significance, including:
- a pioneering role in the manageable development of reliable and safe software, AI and Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
- a multifaceted, direct correlation to industry partners for the solutions-oriented implementation of the results of the research and development activities.
- an attractive service offering for the transfer of knowledge related to current developments in software, AI and IoT.
- internal, expertise-oriented structures that offer talented researchers the best development opportunities.
fortiss is building a series of living labs to explore and experience the newest technological developments through live demonstrators.