Joint Projects:
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft – IMM
Fraunhofer is the leading organisation of institutes of applied research and development in Europe with more than 9500 employees and a budget of around 1 Billion Euros.
The Fraunhofer ICT-IMM Institute has a strong focus on the investigation and development of technical applications of microstructures and microsystem technology in various fields such as Chemical Process Engineering, Energy Technology, Biological/Medical Analytics and Diagnostics as well as Environmental Analysis and Industrial Analytics. With a staff of 130 people Fraunhofer ICT-IMM has carried out or is currently working on more than 40 projects funded by the EC covering topics from chemical process engineering, micro fluidics, micro fabrication, and micro optics. Fraunhofer was partner in the former HORIZON 2020 project “PoCOsteo”. Fraunhofer ICT-IMM was previously operating as the Institut für Mikrotechnik and as such, was involved in the REACTION project.