Joint Projects:
Københavns Kommune
Copenhagen Municipality is the largest of the municipalities making up the city of Copenhagen. It lies at the centre of Copenhagen and contains the old historic City. The municipality is organised in 7 departments dealing with welfare, environment, city planning, culture and development of the city in general. The department of Culture and Leisure is representing Copenhagen in this project but other departments might be involved if it make sense for the project when the tests and innovation sessions begin. The department of Culture and Leisure is in general responsible for the culture and leisure life in Copenhagen (city events, concerts, sport activities, culture houses etc.) and a big part of the citizen service including the libraries (not social services). However the department also has a office containing of about 10 consultants working with how to make Copenhagen one of the leading cities when it comes to creative businesses, services of international citizens, culture tourism and a well acknowledged international position in general. This office work together with a lot of different partners and stakeholders from the different described themes. For instance the office are involved in the development of Copenhagen Sound House which is an innovative hub for creative start ups in the sound business. Some of these start ups might be involved during the project. The name of the office is Growth & Internationalization.