Joint Projects:
LiMETOOLS Ltd is a UK-based SME with offices in Cambridge and Bournemouth, established in 2013 with the explicit aim to build a specialist company that focused on developing interactive online learning content to support behaviour change and sustainable organisation development in a lower carbon world. LiMETOOLS has utilised and extended the knowledge built up in its associated company EUCONNECT. LiMETOOLS specialises in developing distinctive next-generation online learning tools that stimulate behaviour change relating to sustainability. The company focuses on helping organisations and communities that want to actively manage their carbon footprint and be more efficient, effective, competitive and socially responsible in a low-carbon world. It does this by enabling the organisations as a whole, or their business units and the individuals that work for them, as well as their supply chains, to optimise behaviour that delivers against corporate, community and personal goals in relation to being more resource efficient in an age of substantial climate change and the economic and social uncertainties that that brings. In particular LiMETOOLS has recently been delivering organisational capacity building by supplying interactive e-learning at the time of decision making. LiMETOOLS has assembled a wide spectrum of expertise areas that runs across human behaviour and change management.