Consult Our News Items and Publications


From time to time, when In-JeT is involved in major events, we put a note on the website to this effect. You can find all the news in the news section.

As part of our research work, In-JeT is continuously publishing technical and application oriented information, knowledge about business models and ethical aspects, white papers and policy recommendations for action, and evidence of impact and effectiveness of various solutions. Our publications span all the domain spaces we are active in.

Here are the latest posts:

Written Publications


Most of the publicised knowledge we produce takes the form of public deliverables from the projects. These publications can be found and downloaded from the relevant project websites (the official project websites – not the short summary presented here at, where you can find the link to the official project websites).


We have also co-authored articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals as well as book chapters and review articles. The articles that we have co-authored are found in the download section.

Conference papers

Together with partners, we have presented project knowledge and results in a number of international, scientific conferences. Our presentations are documented in publicly available papers to be found in the download section.

Discussion papers

We have produced several discussion papers and white papers to be used in policy processes. These papers can also be found in the download section.